Staff Directory

NCASI’s staff has expertise in many disciplines that cover the full range of technical issues related to environmental and sustainability topics, including analytical chemistry, chemical engineering, paper science, computer modeling and simulation, statistics, toxicology, forest biology, forest ecology, wildlife biology and aquatic biology. Through research investigations, surveys, and other information gathering activities, NCASI helps ensure that the ongoing dialogue concerning environmental policies affecting the forest products industry, and environmental decision-making at many different levels, are grounded in technical information of the highest possible quality.

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Our Leadership

Vipin Varma, Ph.D. President and CEO
Tammerah D. Garren Executive Vice President
Darren A. Miller, Ph.D. Vice President - Forestry Programs
Kirsten Vice Vice President - Sustainability & Climate Program and Canadian Operations

Science Staff

Bill Arthurs Senior Research Associate
Mohsen Asadi, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist, Canadian Mill Environment / Chercheur scientifique senior, Environnement pour les usines canadiennes
Dustin Banks Associate Scientist
Brad Barnhart, Ph.D. Project Leader, Northern Regional Coordinator
Alejandra Borquez Research Engineer
Natalie Brooks Research Assistant, Analytical Services
Laurie Clark Research Scientist, Wildlife Biologist
Ashley Coble, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist
Rachel Cook, Ph.D. Program Manager - Large Ungulate Ecology
Sara Correa Garcia, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist, Canadian Forestry / Chercheuse scientifique senior, Foresterie canadienne
Adam Costanza Senior Program Manager, Sustainability Metrics and Reporting - Digital Strategy Lead
Jayme Coyle, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist
Rob Crawford Principal Research Scientist
Zachery Emerson, Ph.D. Director, Air Quality
Brandon Farmer Data Engineer
Camille Flinders Director and Regulatory Affairs Lead – Water Resources
Ahsan Habib, Ph.D. Analytical Research Scientist
Joan Ikoma Senior Research Associate, Aquatic Biology
Giffe Johnson, Ph.D. Senior Program Manager, CMHE
Tanvir Khan, Ph.D. Senior Research Engineer , Air Quality Program
Waruna Kiridena, Ph.D. Senior Program Manager, Analytical Services
Ryan Kuemmerlin Research Lab Associate
Yi-Chun Lai, Ph.D. Senior Research Engineer
Ilich Lama, Ph.D. Director, Canadian Mill Environment
Angela Larsen-Gray, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist, Eastern Wildlife
Boris Lau, Ph.D. Senior Research Engineer
Ric Law Project Leader
Cher Lindelien Research Scientist
Craig Loehle, Ph.D. Principal Scientist
Barry Malmberg, Ph.D. Director - Sustainability & Climate
Amanda Johansen Mattingly Senior Research Engineer
Karen Mentz Senior Research Associate
Amanda Miller, Ph.D. Analytical Research Scientist
Katie Moriarty, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist, Western Forest Wildlife Ecologist
Holly Munro, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist, Forest Biometrician
Jim Palumbo Director - Water Resources and New Program Development
Milena Ponczek, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist, Sustainability & Climate / Chercheuse scientifique senior, Développement durable et climat
Stephen Prisley, Ph.D. Principal Research Scientist
Renee Ragsdale Senior Research Scientist
Hector Restrepo, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist - Forest Biometrician
William (Bill) Rice Senior Research Associate / IT Services Coordinator
Danny Rodriguez Senior Research Engineer, Eastern Regional Coordinator
Derek Sain Senior Program Manager – Wood Products and Member Engagement Initiatives
Erik Schilling, Ph.D. Director, Eastern Forest Sustainability
Kevin A. Solarik, Ph.D. Director of Forestry Research, Canada & Northeastern/Northcentral U.S.
Maurice Solomon Research Scientist
Arun Someshwar, Ph.D. NCASI Fellow
Jake Verschuyl, Ph.D. Director, Western Forest Sustainability

Business Affairs Staff

Joshua Bass Business Office Assistant, Payroll Support
Y. Leah Green Payroll Manager
Kena Jordan Business Office Assistant, Membership Support
Susan McCord Director, NCASI Foundation
Tracy Stubbs Executive Assistant
Erin Valentine Strategic Communications Specialist / Technical Editor